I had sex with an alien
Sex with an alien
I had sex with an alien
In New York last night
In New York last night
I went out for a couple of drinks
I got tipsy and I started to think
It would be better to go home
The buses weren't running any more
And a hack I couldn't afford
I had to walk 8 miles towards home
On my way I saw a light
It was shining broad and bright
I realized it was a U.F.O.
The ugly aliens hijacked me
I was forced to drink my own pee
Oh my gosh drove me to New Yo
I had to screw an alienesse
I had to fuck her into her ...
She kept sucking on my hole all time
When I'd finished she took my cum
She rubbed it all over her tongue
Ganzkörperbesamung was in her mind
After all I was set free in a vineyard but at least the rapists were so decent to give me a little money for a cab. It was a hell of a night.
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