Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2007

A day in the life

I am surrounded by a noisy crowd of frantic, coffee-addicted students. I feel the pain of thousands of stitches that torture your skin every day. I can tell you it is no fun being an advertising column in the A/B-building of the University of Trier. People come straight towards you with sheets of papers with sometimes important but often unnecessary information and hurt you with those nasty sharp little pins. But the most painful act that happens is removing those pins and paper.
My life began in 1975 when the University was built. When I look back now on more than three decades of standing this ground, I could tell you more than 1001 stories. Look at my skin! I am about 30 years old but covered with more scars than probably every Spartan Warrior. Isn't it a pity? A short time after my birth I got introduced to my „job“. The university's president had set the rules the students have to obey when they want to use me. And students did use me. They started to sell their toasters, computers, cars even flats via me.
Every single day nearly an army of people marches straight to me to pin information or advertising on me. Some would call it rape, but a few years ago I accepted the situation and realized that my life of pain probably will be eternal. I have got used to the pain the needles give me. It is not about this pain that I am complaining. But these terrific scars are killing me.
I am ugly as hell and this is certainly the reason why I am so lonely. When night falls I am no longer among thousands of people who are rushing from lecture to lecture and making barbarous noise. In the night there is this painful silence which shall always remind me that I am lonesome. In the night nobody cares about me because nobody is still there. In the night I am all alone.
I reckon after reading this you should be able to imagine how I feel and what a day in my life is like. There are three major motifs in my life: noise, pain, loneliness. But now I guess it is time to end my lamentation; I do not want to bore you after all. Thank you for reading this presentation on me and please show some compassion when you are coming next time to me to sell something, please.
ASO3000 (Gast) - 31. Mai, 21:25


DasMonster (Gast) - 1. Jun, 00:22

Emotionen pur!

Allerdins frage ich mich warum das Teil auf englisch kommuniziert.

GrafSchockula - 1. Jun, 19:27

weil mir de argent in de arsch getappt hätt wenns deutsch gewähn wär
The Fall of Trier (Gast) - 1. Jun, 10:58

komischerweise habe ich grade das verlangen, stumpfe reisszwecken in wehrlose schwarze bretter zu stecken. seltsam...
hat vielleicht jemand stumpfe reisszwecken und ein schwarzes brett? muss auch nich unbedingt schwarz sein, weiss oder eierschalfarben geht auch. oder magenta.

Anna (Gast) - 27. Jun, 14:01


ah wie gudd kann des en sin.
was haschen fa e not krieht ?
awa du bischd richtig piensig, zähl mo wie oft do in dem text variatione des wortes pain vorkomme ;-)


Mai 2007

Global Fuff

Recommended reading list

Irvine Welsh, Clara Drechsler, Harald Hellmann
Die Bettgeschichten der Meisterköche.

Elizabeth George, Mechtild Sandberg-Ciletti
Undank ist der Väter Lohn.

Nick Hornby
High Fidelity.

Henning Mankell, Wolfgang Butt
Vor dem Frost.

Chuck Palahniuk
Fight Club

D. B. C. Pierre, Peter W. Finlay, Karsten Kredel
Jesus von Texas.

Irvine Welsh, Clara Drechsler, Harald Hellmann

Irvine Welsh, Peter Torberg

Anthony Burgess
Clockwork Orange

Torbjörn Flygt, Paul Berf
Made in Sweden.

Timothy Greenfield-Sanders
XXX 30 Porno-Stars im Porträt.

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